freedom , you are so nice to me. really one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. i'm lucky to get to know you and find you are as sweet as your are gorgeous.
I wonder how it came that we met. what chance is there that it can happen?
when we talk, I feel smarter and more creative.
if we never meet as lovers, I'm so happy to know you as a person who someway is connected to me.
you make my darkness light.
a letter from icarus for the goddes of the sun ; freedom
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Freedom once not comfort having in between Icarus' goddess
that's the last thing she wants from Icarus
Freedom then wrote to him and Icarus in his agony , replied ;
there's nothing to worry about
just let things be natural
cause u make my darkness light
and you're my nuclear explosion of carbon oxygen and love
then Icarus saw beautiful smile from Freedom which he always seen
he said then ...let u be my goddess , the goddess of the sun
there would be only u , freedom forever
he said once then noted ;
im realizing you are existing a peril or a blessing?
the fact of desire and the feeling of missing it
fear and anger
love and warmth
Freedom then wondering and pounding in her glad
this one for thee Icarus
then let will be
freedom freed the Icarus
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