Posted on Minggu, 30 Desember 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

I met a valorious knight
a morning 31st of December
it was quiet weird , but so much tempting moment

he hold me and hug me in a warmth tender cuddling love
as if it we were flying somewhere outer space

we were bound , within our soul and spirit
and to me it was ...
the best morning I have ever had

he's my hela's soul ..
living in me
cleaned my dark sadest soul

a valorious knight
I see
under the morning orange sky


Posted on Senin, 05 November 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

It’s beneath november I'm seeing through a crystal moon

It seems to me like ;

There was a lady in the moon
Recovering herself pain
Meeting a soul of hela
After once and twice he burnt down his own soul
And sell his presence to daemon

They met , embrace , detached and saving their soul
Together , not in a vow
Nor in words

They presence in their heart and soul
And fly to the moon ,
never coming back to the place
Where hela’s soul burnt down his own souls

So then I see a lady and a soul of hela
In a crystal moon , beneath november


Posted on Minggu, 15 Juli 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

I am not afraid of growing old ,As in fact i always want to always look old And hoping more people seez me in my old . I passed my wonderful great life in my common cozy daily activity Just like another normal Indonesian young woman , I always save my day , no matter what bad things happened on me each day and I do sometimes pray to my GOD to be greatful,thankful,and mostly ask for help :D


The hardest time in my life is When i’m in this desperately mellowing sad situation , it’s When my soul shades thousands of tears but my eyes dried And knowing that someone I really missed is not mine anymore not that because im still in great passion of love But its more because i regret things happened before which were lead me into it.

And yes that’s hurt so bad , and wasting my youngest time , wasting all of those fortune goddess’ chance that were given to me
But then again i have wonderful family , wonderful friends in my real life that support me and always courage me , and also some of my virtual friends that always be there ...for my 24 hours

Clay was once and twice and three times ( maybe now he’s getting bored of me whining up and complaining...) told me about how to survive and how to fight ,struggle in a painful condition , and yes i think about what he said over and over , and i think he’s right.however , i still think about my heartache.i never thought being in this situation before , i never thought that i would hurt , but yes i thought about it,but i was thinking about happy ending story....not in this painful kind of story..
I remember what clay said to me ; “you deserve to have good friends who lift your spirit up. I'm happy I can be a friend like that to you! “ and how he remind me ; I hope you are happy and well out there, and just remember that if anything troubles you, there is always something or someone beautiful and valuable near by, all you have to do is forget your worries and open your heart to the good things that exist right there in front of you , he’s virtual but he presents into mylife so real , impact me in good positive way.i’m glad i have him as a friend.

This bad story , i must say was began in a first beautiful opening story that you’re not even would expect bad things on me could happened , but as what they say it is...BAD THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO A GOOD PERSON , and that good person is ; ME..

Some of my other close friend is Mei Wina that i often to chat with , she might feel boring too listening all of my complaining .

To my dearest friends who i never met ;
So glad i knew you guys online , though we’re in virtual , but your support and that you’re always be there , is really strengthening my soul.

I know that Both love and loss gave me with extraordinary life lessons. Some of these are elegant; some shatter me and bring me to my knees in devastation inside my heart and my soul.but i know that They're all necessary to open my hearts to wisdom and faith. I know I am stronger than what i think!

We all know that hearts are healed in time, but I believe that there are things i can do to make the process of inner healing just a little more tolerable.
It helps to remember that the pain is in the resistance. It really is true that what i resist persists. The more i fight reality, that which i cannot change, the more pain i experience. The more i surrender and let go, the more i open myself to the natural flow of life so that the power of love can transport me to a new space of peace and acceptance.

the healing words of Achaan Chaa, who reminds us:
Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a great tree in the midst of them all.

When you're depressed, it's as if life loses all its colour. The sun is still shining, but you don't feel the warmth of it on your skin. Flowers are still blooming, but your eyes only see darkness. Birds are still singing in the trees, but your ears only hear the deafening silence of sadness.

I think Managing heartache depression requires a holistic approach.i mean ..i can't just wake up one morning and decide that im going to 'snap out of it'! However, i can take small steps to give myself the best possible chance to benefit from treatment.

A Love haiku by yojinbo makes me think about all shit happened on me ;
What love promises
Is not a happy ending
But a sad farewell.'
'You think you hurt me
By building walls between us:
Fortress or prison?'
'My blood boils away
Flesh, muscle, sinew, all gone
If you say goodbye'
'The venom you used
To say Goodbye, I now use
To kill loneliness.'
~ @Yojinbo

And yes as i always said in my every favourite quotes , life is suck and sucks ...


Posted on Jumat, 13 Juli 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

Suatu ketika , spt biasa gw lp wktunya kapan.gw perlu bawa papan dekor wedding cake ke salah satu hotel terkenal di daerah jakarta barat (sebelum lampu merah cengkareng)biasaa...gw maen ga jauh2 darri lampu merah.dan om joni pun menawarkan bantuan transportasi (tenang sodara sodara.... kli ini kaki 4),tapi gw pikir drpd gw modal nyewa mobil mending gw pake yg ada aja lah.

Sesampainya di dpn hotel (ralat ; blm nyampe masuk , ujung mobil baru jg nyentuh dikit!)sama security d suruh minggir.

Joni : buka pintu mobil , lempar jaket (tinggal kaos item + rompi item)
Gw : nyingkirin jaket dari pangkuan , krn tadi dia lempar sembarangan.
Joni + security (melakukan pembicaraan serius kayanya...syg gw ga punya radar sejauh itu..)

Gw + Joni : ADEGAN di percepat ...bukan krn ada sensor tp gw males ngetiknya...dan akhirnya pun akan plg menuju parkiran

Joni : baru mau buka pintu mobil
Gw : masuk duluan , ogah senyum ma securitynya...malesin
Security : mendekat seraya berkata kpd joni ; pak , bisa bicara sebentar

Joni + security : melakukan adegan pembicaraan serius episode 2 , sampai akhirnya mereka pun bersalaman , dan kalau minus mata gw ga nambah (wktu itu gw jg ga yakin n ga serius ngeliatin krn lagi bete)kayanya tu security kasi amplop putih gitu ke joni..

Gw : lama bener...kan gw blg juga apaaaa...jgn pake mobil beginian masuk hotel mewah
Joni : ngeplak pala gw dgn rasa syg (kayanya) seraya berkata ...justru ni rejekinya tahu kaga lu!! Perempuan tahu apa si...comel doank..udah diem.mau makan ga?
Gw : udah kenyang dari tadi ngeliatin mukanya security
Joni : dia baek tahu ...tuh ! (sambil nyodorin amplop putih k gw)
Gw : busyet uang say??? Senyum berbinar binar lebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr bgt.nyampe lampu merah kli tuh. sambil planning di otak nanti ke mall mau nunjuk minta beli apa :p
Joni : makanya lu jgn bawel jd org !!!!
Gw : bikin senyum paling manis sedunia...... =)

2.kalaupun terpaksa pake mobil begonoan , cari org yg mukenye SEREM 7 rupa utk nemenin oh iya suruh juga org itu pake CINCIN BATU AKIK SEGEDE GABAN , KLO PERLU DI SEPULUH JARI
4.sejelek apapun pasangan anda saat ini tdk usah menyesal dan ga usah di suruh operasi plastik di KOREA ...terima aja...mungkin itu sudah rejeki anda (apa nasib?wkwk)

CATATAN ; cerita ini hanya kejadian tanpa expektasi semata dalam kehidupan sehari hari , karakter adalah ASLI namun nama tempat sengaja tidak ditunjukkan dengan segala pertimbangan positif yg ada. =)


Posted on Jumat, 06 Juli 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

I was...giving all of mine in me , I was giving all of my courage , my motivation and even live my spirit life into all of this which we call this dream of us.
but then again I think I wasn’t DOING everything good enough.
I missed something.Imperfect.

I suddenly wanna cry but I can’t
I wanna scream , as if it like I‘m in d roller coaster..but I can’t
I wanna sleep and be in another world...but I can’t
I wanna make a dream...but its all so blury
I dropped it...just in a sudden as my heartbeat stop for a second or two
I wanna tell all people , moaning , complaining ,shocking my grief onto them ,but somehow I can’t...just somehow something pull me back , hold me back , make me standing still

This pain.....so hurting me deep inside
Like something stabbed me right thorough my heart..
the worst part is... I think this pain stabbed my soul..
I’m lost...my soul is lost...
And my head is now spinning around in the deathly carousel

I drag my soul to a beautiful shiny place...and so far..
It's useless...
my soul is screaming out loud for my scary misery..

chocking my throat of a giant slippers while waiting someone infront of a hippo stinky dirty cage.

Posted on by lia yulistino sugiono

I wish...I could see this world in a beautiful hologram glasses ,
So I would see beautiful colours , shapes , and 3D movement ,...beautifully in colours
But infact as I’m now wearing a black sunglasses
Dark.....so dark...

I feel so sad , definately sad today
I swear it
I feel like chocking my throat of a giant slippers while waiting someone infront of a hippo stinky dirty cage.
It feel so strange why I’m sad now , ...

I know I have a great life , wonderful family and pretty good job , and not to mention lots of list things to do...positive things to do...
But I don’t know how I end up confusing myself for nonsense feeling of the things I saw , I have just seen..

Things I shouldn’t supposed to see but I did , I had seen...
I don’t feel regret or anything....but I feel ....so weak , hopeless and sad...deeply

It’s a horror knowing that I can’t do anything , I sit here in my darkest grief , moaning
Sitting here alone ...just alone...maybe I should cry...but I don’t want the world to see

I’m sitting in the dark...and found myself in a broken wing...
I couldn’t fly...just hurt..
Deserted ...sad,weak,hollow...

My odyssey

Posted on Kamis, 21 Juni 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

Have u ever felt like being in a hot shiny sun afternoon in your cozy window while listening 70’s – 80’s songs ?

I was today , and i was all alone , i stared at the window , looking at an empty small narrow street,with burning sun high up above , dragon flies flying around everywhere outside ,dry weathered atmospheric with old songs backround tht i heard from a distant , just perfect for my dwelling.

And when i was looking at the window of that empty small street outside...It was so quite ...it was so dried ...and there was no one ...

I touched my heart (literary) in a sudden ... i was thought it hasnt got beat , i thought it just stopped only for a second or so...
Have u ever felt like u want to say something or its like when u wanna tell your whole life story to someone but u couldnt just do it?somehow there’s something hold u back , or pull u back.

I am now feeling tht way , not because i dont hv friends to talk to , but i dont know ...sometimes ...just sometimes there was a time when u cant tell everything to the whole life world...

As i feel tonite ; i am in my fading grey of my own odyssey

I dont think it was a dream...

Posted on by lia yulistino sugiono

I dream of you in many different faces , places , beyond limits of time.those dreams came in thorough my mind , my thoughts , my soul in many different of episodes.once there was happy and strange , once there was sad and blur , sometimes they came into me in beautiful many colours of hopes , mostly strange , sometimes frightened and strangled me on my cozy bed ...however non of them was real.

My dreams of you sometimes Put me in doubt for most of time but assurance me sometimes , strange things to feel when virtual and real collide . i'm flowing lightly onto somewhere i couldn't describe.. they didn't stuck me up til now , but hurting me down in my heart at nite.if you weren't there i wouldn't be here , painting my mind on my own glorious sentences to feel myself moaning in my own grief

It's so amazing how these things and dreams and everything lead me , all of my hormons in my brain , captured my thoughts , and have me had this heart to feel about all of this.i'm flowing not floating not yet falling.but its hurting heart i found.leak

And there i go ....flowing .i would cried to you to take me though i can never promise you my devotion .i would have..but somewhere beyond my thoughts...i never see anything.i don't see you . though i could have seen you ...i might see you ..


Posted on Rabu, 13 Juni 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono


And I will have to fall myself to the edge of doom and let someone free me

And when all of the love songs that all matters to a love , I will have to sing it differently then , I noticed my own grief ...and beyond all of the sorrow...
I will always wake up , every morning with every freed that comes up..and know ..always know...even if its free...there’s always end not yet safe , not even bound

But then I notify of beautiful reef nebula eyes that always set me free
For all of my weakness , sadness and torture
high up above that reef nebula ...there’s flying golden dragon is waiting for me as he always promise me...

I feel and see my own freedom in darkest edge of all within another luck and lust in my deepest purest soul towards another souls


Posted on Selasa, 12 Juni 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

beyond the horizon of my deepest purest soul...I miss you as you're a scar..I got it but never can I loose it.these words , also your words...insinuated detached my brain as a real and virtual collide within ...

take a vow within my soul , make bondage , but don't bent them,build your wings to fly to me,but don't get closer to the sun,and if you fall,let you fall on me and drown yourself in me
then ; find,get and be with your freedom!!!,Icarus. That’s a freedom whisper , me as your Freedom

like I always remember your sentences , Icarus ...
"and all Icarus want;was only Freedom,is only Freedom,will always be Freedom,and its "U", Freedom ... I'm free as you're always be a Freedom,my Freedom,the one and only Freedom."

So then...

fly to me with your wings,bring your hopes,dreams and wishes and find me in my deepest purest soul,safe me for I will always free you,as I always be your freedom who's longing to be within your soul's vow.high up above the 18th clouds and let you fall.. I will be here,in an unbroken vow..
*as always and its a promise.(*under term and conditon)

I vowed my soul into your heart ,so take it , struggle it , fight for it , but don’t let yourself nor me die for it , say it for it IS a REAL


Posted on Kamis, 24 Mei 2012 by lia yulistino sugiono

my Icarus ....

I don’t wanna make my words to you only as SAY,SAY,SAY , I don’t wanna throw promises to you and only TRY,TRY,TRY , I am now putting on all of my effort to you as DO,DO,DO.

I DO wanna make dreams and wishes , but I don't wanna make them flying to the 9 cloud and washed by rain nor living there in virtual, so ..be free and real... for I always freed you for your real presence.

My dearest Icarus...how I wish I could have one of your wings so you don't need to fly anywhere nor drowned...

I freed you,as I always be your freedom,and therefore I'm sure you're longing to be mine.
Seek and bound to my soul,as I DO to yours.