Posted on Senin, 03 Agustus 2009 by lia yulistino sugiono

O’2 second English



1.Teaching English Effectively to children

2.Knowing a new learning methode

3.Improving mind set in English

Glenn Doman

Glen Doman

GLENN DOMAN is the founder of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential to which parents from every continent have been finding their way for more than a half of a century. He and The Institutes are famous for their pioneering work with brain-injured children and for their work in early development for well children.

In addition to dealing intimately with more than twenty thousand families over the last fifty years, he has strongly influenced millions of families through the book What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child and the creation of the groundbreaking Gentle Revolution Series of books and materials that teach parents how to teach their babies at home.

Glenn Doman has lived with, studied, or worked with children in more than one hundred nations, ranging from the most civilized to the most primitive.He was distinguished for outstanding heroism in action during World War II and was knighted by the Brazilian government in 1966 for his services to the children of the world.

Glenn Doman is the principle lecturer for the many courses given by The Institutes for the parents of well children and brain-injured children. When he is not lecturing in Philadelphia or around the world, he is nose-to-nose with parents and children, discovering better ways to make hurt kids well and well kids more capable.


methods are based around the following core beliefs:

Every child has genius potential.
Every child born has, at the moment of birth, a greater potential intelligence than Leonardo da Vinci ever used. – Glenn Doman

Stimulation is the key to unlocking a child’s potential.
The world has looked at brain growth and development as if they were predestined and unchangeable facts. We have discovered that brain growth and development are a single dynamic process. This is a process which can be stopped (as it is by profound brain injury). This is a process which can be slowed (as it is by moderate brain injury), but most significantly, this is a process which can be speeded.
– Glenn Doman

Teaching should commence at birth.
The first year of life is a critical time. This is the time when the brain is growing explosively. The brain literally grows by use – and if we use it, we’re going to grow it. And if you don’t use it, especially in the first 12 months, then you literally will lose brain cells – you won’t have as much brain power as you would’ve had.
– Janet Doman

The younger the child, the easier the learning process.
Before the age of five a child can easily absorb tremendous amounts of information. If the child is younger than four it will be easier and more effective, before three even easier and much more effective, and before two the easiest and most effective of all. – Glenn Doman

Children naturally love to learn.
Kids would rather learn than eat; kids would rather learn than play. In fact, kids think learning is play.
– Glenn Doman

Parents are their child’s best teacher.
In your worst minute of your worst day with your child, you will be your child’s best teacher – better than anyone in the whole world. On an average day or the best moment of your best day, you are absolutely spectacular – because you know your child better than anyone else. And you happen to adore your child
– that’s the perfect combination for a teacher.
– Janet Doman

Teaching and learning should be joyous.
Parents deserve to experience the joy that comes from teaching their baby, and babies have a right to appreciate the joy of learning with their parents. – Glenn Doman

Teaching and learning should never involve testing.
One of the beauties of teaching a tiny child is that the process of teaching is a pure process of giving information without asking for it back again. – Janet Doman

The Methode Utilized: Theoretical Support

The Glenn Doman method is an innovative and provocative method of learning. In chapter 7 of his book entitled ‘How to Teach your Baby to Read”, Glenn Doman suggests the age at which the baby must start, which can be as early as 10 months of age.

Doman highlights the importance of the parents’ attitudes in respect to the activity to be developed, which must be one that this is a good game and not a job like any other. He explains that the sessions must end prior to the child’s loss of interest.

Doman also reminds us that the material, despite being simple, must follow specifications, once it is designed to attend to the fact that reading is a brain function, and as such must attend to the limitations of the baby, since the brain only has its reading function stimulated in the right way. He orients us on how to present the words, and how to draw the letters in them.

a description of how to develop seven steps which he considers essential:

1. Visual differentiation (way of making the cards) ;

2. Proper vocabulary;

3. Vocabulary of the family environment;

4. Vocabulary to build sentence’s structure;

5. Structured phrases and sentences;

6. Reading of a real book (i.e., the first book);

7. The alphabet.

He then concludes the chapter saying that "man is man essentially because he can read and write". 2006 Glenn Doman methode


Math and reading programs, according to the Doman method, are flash card based. You can find out more about the reading program by Reading: Flash Card Method, and the math program by Math: Flash Card Method. The physical program involves a range of activities – from encouraging babies to crawl from birth, to developing their sense of balance, to teaching children to brachiate (traverse a horizontal ladder, also known as monkey bars). Find out more by heading to the Physical.

Starting from birth, parents teach their baby musical appreciation, rhythm, note reading and perfect pitch. There is no book dedicated to the program, you can maintain and sure about you , and your children ; Child and Me.

for teaching success! Ingredients ;
1 cup Affection
1 cup Nutrition
4 level tbsp Routine
1 cup Stimulation
10 tbsp Repetition
7 oz Consistency
Pinch Perseverance
Sprinkling Humor

Steven.R.Covey’s 8 habits

1.Be Proactive

2.Positive mind set

3.First things first

4.Depend-on paradigm

5.Win-win solution

6.Try to understand then to be understood

7.Creative Teamwork


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