Garden In the Hell

Posted on Minggu, 16 November 2008 by lia yulistino sugiono

I've found a garden of love
full of emptyness , sorrow ,
and disgusting romance

so silly I am
considered it as a beautiful
garden of love

now in the bottom less hell's hole
I realize that the garden
consists of lots of poisonous darling buds
beneath the black sky
and grey mountainous of dreary flowers

I stand , be still , sad heart ,
half broken _hearted in my weary eyes
I finally sing for my melancholy song of love
and I confess to thee...that...
I have heart no more...


My restless affection of you
shake me to the ground
couldn't keep my beautiful feeling of you

never keep me warm and shady
after all of those words spoken out
my words became unspoken

within silence in my tears
I am in deeply grief

In secret we met
yet well I knew
you grew highly pride on yourself
never doubt I really hate you
in my deeply grief


In hell I say...
to my dearest man
kiss me with your gentle kiss
warm and tender

Hold me as if you'd never let me go
comfort me by your beautiful words
then whispered them softly in my ear
spoiled me with everything you've got
do sing love song only for me
walk me slowly along the road of evening
in a twilight dim with rose
and please....promise me your beautiful world
to me...just for me

If you.... then ignored me
as if it's a pain.....
Please do...kill me then!
or just lie to me that you would be....
my only man

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