Posted on Jumat, 26 Juni 2009 by lia yulistino sugiono




Neutral dimeric copper–sparfloxacin conjugate having butterfly motif with antiproliferative effects against hormone independent BT20 breast cancer cell line

according to scientists experimenal , investigation , research and such things ;Dipti Shingnapurkara, Ray Butcherb, Zahra Afrasiabic, 1, Ekkhard Sinnc, Fakhara Ahmedd, Fazlul Sarkard and Subhash Padhyea,

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aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Pune, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411007, India

bDepartment of Chemistry, Howard University, Washington, DC 20009, USA

cDepartment of Chemistry, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla 65401, USA

dDepartment of Pathology, Karmanos Cancer Institute at Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan MI 48201, USA

Received 20 September 2006;

A neutral dimeric copper conjugate of sparfloxacin and its phenanthroline adduct show considerable enhancement in their antiproliferative activities against hormone independent BT20 breast cancer cells.

Graphical abstract A neutral dimeric copper conjugate of sparfloxacin, having butterfly scaffold shows 10-fold enhancement in its antiproliferative activity against hormone independent BT20 breast cancer cells.

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This is what can enhance your emotional feeling when you meet someone whom “click” to you or your personal and emotional feeling.

A Deeper Communication Research: Connection, Chemistry & Charisma
by Lia Yulistino Sugiono

Much of communication training focuses on formulas for specific words to say that may seem mechanical and feel inauthentic to the speaker or the listener. What is often missing from communication techniques is the magic of connectedness. Connection and its richer cousins, chemistry and charisma allow communication to elevate to higher levels of communion, where the right words are not as important as the intention to connect.

Connection is a two-way exchange of attention and emotional energy. In human interactions, connection happens when you give your attention to another person and you receive their attention at the same time. When you add love or acceptance to the interaction, you experience chemistry and the connection deepens to a soul to soul exchange.

One of the greatest life skills you will ever learn is to make genuine connection with others. The ability to connect with anyone, anywhere opens the doors to living life in a bigger way. All opportunities come from connection with other people. Think about it. In your personal life, connection leads to making friends, loving and being loved, enjoying the richness of intimacy. Professionally, the ability to connect leads to success in networking, client interaction, co-worker cooperation, cold calling, persuasion and sales. When you master the art of connection, life can bring all opportunities because you are open to them. I will go so far as to say that fear of connecting with others is the number one reason people are not successful as they could be.

Let’s take a little fantasy trip through your life. Imagine you have the ability to connect easily with anyone, anywhere. You have complete confidence in yourself to reach out to others, engage their eyes, ears and hearts and receive their attention, no matter who they are. Think of the people you could meet, the fun you could have, the business contacts you could develop, the things you could learn, the money you could make! What if your very presence were so open that you magnetically attracted attention, you sparkled with charisma? Think of how your life would be different!

The key that opens up the experience of communion is the act of receiving others. Many speakers and communicators think that good communication is merely saying the right words. They think they have to pump out energy in order to create excitement and hold the attention of others. They end up throwing their energy and words at listeners, so their own energy flows outwardly but none can come back in to them. Energy is only flowing one way. In actuality, charisma happens when you are receiving the attention of others. Charisma is not just generating dynamic energy, it is also receiving the flow of emotion and attention from others.

You can elevate your communication skills by learning the simple act of receiving. Receiving is effortlessly allowing yourself to take in another’s energy, without judgment or expectation. When you receive another person, he is drawn to you. You hold his attention as if by magnetic attraction and he is compelled to pay attention to you. And, because you are connecting so fully with him, you automatically know what to say in response to him. Speaking flows more easily in response to another. You don’t have to work so hard to think of what to say because you are being there for and with the listener.

The lovely thing about connection, chemistry and charisma is that anyone can learn to create these compelling qualities with others. The secret is to relax deeply into your own skin and experience “Being With” others using a soft eye contact which allows for no-resistance receptivity. With a little practice, you can expand your comfort level to “Be With” others so that you connect with anyone you choose. Imagine the quality of life you can have when you master the art of connection, allow yourself to create chemistry and become the one who has charisma!

Want to learn more? Came and experience our new course Communication Skills: Connection, Chemistry & Charisma. Read the course description on


Human chemistry is the study of reactions between people who are viewed as chemical species (or human particles) and with the energy, entropy, and work that quantify these processes. Historically, human chemistry derives from the 1809 chemical affinity theories of German polymath Johann Goethe who viewed intimate relationships as chemical reactions similar to those occurring between alchemical species in affinity tables. In modern human chemistry, people are viewed as chemical species, or specifically “human molecules” (a term coined by Hippolyte Taine in 1869), A or B, and processes such as marriage or divorce are viewed as chemical reactions between individuals, such as shown below, respectively:

A + B → AB (bond formation)

AB → A + B (bond dissolution)

Central to this process is the supposition of the existence of a human chemical bond, “A≡B”, that can be quantified by terms such as bond energy, bond length, enthalpy of formation, Gibbs free energy, etc. Human chemistry, to clarify, is a more advanced view on the take that good relationships are qualified by an “interpersonal chemistry” of compatible pheromones, hormones, immune systems, neurochemistry, and personalities, etc.

Cultural views
In the cultural lexicon, the generalized theory that a certain type of “chemistry” exists between successful couples is prominent, as in romantic chemistry, social chemistry, sexual chemistry, relationship chemistry, interpersional chemistry, screen couple chemistry, etc. Yet, the fact that human chemistry is not a standardized school subject, however, leaves the subject open to generalized theory speculation.

An example, is the June 2007 article “A Questions of Social Chemistry” by Canadian writer Chanel Wood, who when thinking about the question of human chemistry, was “completely mystified and very curious”. [9] In her analysis of the question, Wood asks: “what exactly is chemistry between two people?” She states that, “few people actually seem to be able to define it” and that, for the most part, “the majority of us have never given it a deeper thought, or if we have, we came to the highly logical definition of “that intangible something”… But does that really explain anything?”

Wood states, in excellent form, that:

“When I was first brought with this question of human chemistry, I was both completely mystified and very curious. Like most people, I’d never really stopped to think about it. But if chemistry in the social world is anything like chemistry is in the physical world, there has to be a logical, tangible definition.”

In conclusion of her thoughts on the issue, she outlines a combination lock theory of dating arguing that a relationship can be thought of, using the reaction model of single people as "reactants", as a:

Reactant + Reactant Product

chemistry point of view; such that "chemistry" is a result of all the elements between any two people—character, personality traits, timing, goals, dreams, priorities, lifestyle, etc., and how they ‘react’ with the other person’s elements.

After all of these explanations , researches , proves and evidences from scientists and experts , it captured question to my thought ; the question is “How can we deal our chemistry reaction if we got it or if that happened with us to the wrong person?”

It’s weird….isn’t it?.....have you ever got it ?